Game Poker memang saat ini sedang naik daun, biasanya mereka para penggemar game Poker memainkan game ini secara online. Kepopuleran game ini membuat developer menambahkan fitur untuk membeli item game dengan uang asli.
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- New Features since PokerTH 1.0:
- Online log file analysis tool
- Support for higher Android screen resolutions
- Sound support for Android
- Support for Windows 8 (desktop mode)
- License change: OpenSSL exception (for Windows 8 support, because gcrypt currently crashes on Windows 8)
- Server refactoring using google protocol buffers which basically enables use of html5 clients
- Emoticons for the chat
- Online game name in window title
- New card deck version which supports changes of the action label position
- Extra column in lobby game list for timeouts
- Updated country flags
- Enable activating the "accidentally call after big raise" blocker by default
- Chatbot whitelist for poker expressions
- new startwindow gfx for 1.0 final (thx to danuxi)
- translation updates
Game ini ringan dan cocok untuk berbagai model komputer. PokerTH offline mendukung sistem operasi Windows, Linux, Android dan Mac.
Via Official Site
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